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Image by Rafal Jedrzejek

for your animal
and you

Energetic support for you and your animal during stressful times

or when you want to strengthen your bond.

Using the Let Animals Lead® method of Reiki

developed by Kathleen Prasad.

Healing is about touching hearts, not hands.

--Kathleen Prasad

Our greatest healing power lies not in what we do to our animals,

but rather who we are when we are with them. 

~Kathleen Prasad

Through meditation, when we connect heart to heart, we can experience a deep sense of harmony and well-being that promotes healing.

~Kathleen Prasad

what is it?

Reiki helps foster relaxation and stress reduction which in turn supports healing for your animal and you. A joint Reiki session for you and your animal can also help build closeness.  


Some of the most stressful times in your life may be when a member of your animal family is sick, exhibiting behavior problems, is ready to transition, or has crossed over. Although it is often hard to make the time to care for yourself when you are worried about your animal family or are grieving the physical death of a beloved animal, you deserve some extra support and tender loving care during this time.


Taking good care of yourself is often one of the best things you can do to help your animal because they sense and are impacted by your energy. The relaxation and stress reduction you receive from a Reiki session can help you be more fully present for your animal during their time of need or present with yourself if you are grieving.

Reiki is universal

Reiki is a Japanese word for the life force energy that is in all life -- humans, animals, plants, and more. In the Let Animals Lead® method of Reiki developed by Kathleen Prasad, the practitioner holds space for the animal by being in a state of unconditional love and respect for the animal ("being Reiki") and allows the Reiki energy to radiate from them much like the sun radiates its energy to the earth. The practitioner focuses on the inherent perfection of the animal rather than any perceived problems or illness. Energy is not limited by space or time so Reiki can be transmitted remotely to your animal and you in the comfort and privacy of your home. 


Each human and animal is on their own life path and they decide how to engage with the energy. We trust the inherent wisdom of the human and animal's body and their Creator so that the Reiki energy will be received for the human and animal's highest good to support them on their personal healing journey. Although it can be difficult at times, we release our expectations of the outcome knowing that every physical body eventually dies and that sometimes transitioning out of the body is the highest outcome.

Please review this handout before your session:  

What You Can Expect When You Book an Animal Reiki Session

We recommend when possible to begin with four daily sessions

and then schedule follow-up sessions at a frequency determined by your individual needs.

Reiki is not a substitute for medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care;

please contact your veterinarian or licensed health care provider for medical needs.

Read full Disclaimer

For Your Animal

Energetic support for your animal

when they are ill, having surgery, stressed due to a move or other household change, or are getting older


45 Minute Distance Session

Phone Check-in


Phone Debriefing

Single Session:  $45

Four Sessions:  $145

For You

Energetic support for you as you care for your animal and human family
or are grieving the passing of your animal companion 

45 Minute Distance Session

Phone Check-in


Phone Debriefing

Single Session:  $45

Four Sessions:  $145

Your Animal & You

When you and/or your animal are experiencing ill health or stress OR when life is smooth and you would like to enrich your relationship with your animal


45 Minute Distance Session

Phone Check-in


Phone Debriefing

Single Session: $45

Four Sessions:  $145

Cat sleeping on the bed with sleeping man at background_edited.jpg
Maverick during his Reiki session 2021.jpg

Nina A.

Thank you Cathy for the wonderful Reiki sessions you did for myself and my dog, Maverick. We both found them to be relaxing and healing.

What my clients say

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